between those 20 vehicles it would be Combo
In the 9,000 million Euros that GM will invest until 2012 in the creation of 20 new models for Opel, the budgets of two hybrid-electrical vehicles E-Flex are included. At the moment little it is known of them; they will be made in Germany. One of them will be the version of production of Opel Flextreme, and the other a still greater model. The E-Flex perhaps system, as you remember, is based on the same principle that the propulsive train of the Chevrolet Volt, and is formed by two motors. First, of explosion, it can be a unit of small piston displacement to gasoline, diesel oil, E85 ethanol or even hydrogen. Instead of to move the vehicle, this motor has the assignment to load a package of batteries of high capacity, although also it is possible to connect the automobile to a plug if an electrical operation 100% is desired.
between those 20 vehicles it would be Combo